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Coachen with consensus

Building on the SAFE-Sport project, the Coaching with Consensus project's mission is to centralize the various valorization initiatives that can contribute to a safe sport climate, with a focus on tools for club administrators and coaches. 


From until

Supported by

Sport Vlaanderen

Coachen with consensus

In recent years a lot of knowledge and insights have been developed through research regarding harassment and abuse, athlete-coach relationship, coaching behavior and bystander behavior. The Flemish Sport Policy also invested in research and valorization projects around these themes, including through the SAFE-Sport research and the 'Motivating Coaching/M-Factor' project. These projects resulted in various materials such as a coach compass, workshops for coaches and clubs from M-factor, ... The sport policy is now looking at how these valorization initiatives can contribute to a safe sport climate with a focus on tools for coaches and club administrators. There is a need for more efficient and effective implementation and use of these developed valorization products.  

Goal of the project

  • Central coordination of a knowledge-driven policy on creating a motivating and safe club climate (UGhent) 

  • Alignment of existing scientific expertise and knowledge sharing on motivational coaching in Flanders (UGhent) 

  • Implementation of the coordinated support package for coaches, sports clubs and intermediaries through an intervention trajectory for grassroots and elite sport (Thomas More) 

  • Policy recommendations based on scientific consensus for Flemish policy on the theme of motivational and safe sport climate (Thomas More & UGhent) 


The project starts from the existing tools for coaches, club administrators and clubs to start creating a motivational and safe sport climate and will integrate them into a coordinated trajectory to increase its implementation and accessibility. 


With this project, we aim to deliver the following deliverables: 

  • Coordinated trajectory for coaches and club administrators.  

  • Training intermediaries to implement trajectory 

  • Evaluation trajectory 

  • Advisory note for a strategic agenda for creating a safe sport climate in Flanders for 2024-2028 


Tine Vertommen

Tine Vertommen (PhD) is research coordinator of Safeguarding Sport & Society  in the People and Well-being research group. As a criminologist she conducts research on the prevalence and prevention of harassment and abuse in sports. 


Karolien Adriaens

Karolien Adriaens (PhD) is a researcher in the People and Well-being research group, research line Safeguarding Sport & Society.  As a clinical psychologist she is working on  research projects on harassment and abuse in sports and child maltreatment